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Family Heritage of Couturier Craft

Gallello Atelier is rooted in a family legacy of prestige tailoring and uncompromising excellence since 1950. Inspired by the artistic heritage of our beloved grandfather, Dominic Gallello, who was couturier Pattern Cutter to Christian Dior himself. The Atelier returns to an era when it was understood that true luxury requires time. Each heirloom piece is handcrafted to an impeccable standard using his time-honoured techniques.

Christian Dior with Nonno and Nonna, Dominic and Elena Gallello in New York in the 1950s. Christian Dior with Nonno and Nonna, Dominic and Elena Gallello in New York in the 1950s.
Christian Dior with Nonno and Nonna, Dominic and Elena Gallello in New York in the 1950s.

A Family Love Story

The debut collection is rooted in a family love story. Nonno and Nonna, Dominic and Elena Gallello had a deep adoration for each other. One, which, as a couturier Pattern Cutter, inspired Dominic to tailor beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces by hand for Elena. His art is a physical symbol of his dedication to his wife. Inspired by pieces left as family heirlooms to Stacey Gallello, the house unpicks the fond memories he wove into the seams of his garments, and entwines them into the modern day.

The Atelier uses the techniques of our beloved couturier grandfather, Dominic Gallello.

The Family

The Atelier is founded by Stacey Gallello born out of her passion for tailor made couture. She is dedicated to promoting the work of artisans to preserve their craft in the luxury landscape. The Atelier is fully owned and operated by the Gallello family.

The Gallello family The Gallello family
The Gallello family


The Atelier practises handcraftsmanship where each piece individually created embodying the techniques of Dominic Gallello. In lieu of pret-a-porter, designs are made-to-order or made-to-measure to allow time for intimate processes and meticulous details. At the start of construction, the Master Pattern Cutter cuts each pattern piece by hand ensuring precision to the highest calibre. A single expert tailor brings the piece to life from beginning to end employing unhurried, hand stitched details. The handmade elements make each garment truly matchless - no two pieces are exactly alike, each one holds its own unique details sewn in by the tailor.

Francesca, The Atelier Flou Tailor - dressmaking Francesca, The Atelier Flou Tailor - dressmaking
Francesca, The Atelier Flou Tailor - dressmaking

Celebrating Artisanry

The art of design is a deeply human discipline that has been overshadowed by the age of immediacy and abundance. The tailoring skill that was once celebrated during our grandfather's era has slowly become a forgotten craft. The Atelier is devoted to reviving the love for tailor-made garments and recognising the artisans behind them.

The White Lily

An homage to our family love story, the signet of the Atelier represents the thread of Dominic's craft and Elena's favourite flower, the white lily. The white lily is hand-embroidered on the lining of our 'Elena' jacket and silk shirts.